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How to Register Jazz ECare New Account?

Telecom companies in Pakistan consistently introduce new and reliable services for their users. Currently, Pakistan has four major telecom companies, with Jazz being a leader among them. Jazz has the largest user base in Pakistan, with 62.20 million subscribers. Jazz’s popularity is due to its services like 4G and Jazz Ecare. These convenient services have helped Jazz establish and maintain its reputation.

In this article, we are going to discuss a service offered by Jazz in detail. The service is called Jazz e care or Mobilink e care. But before we get into the signup process, let’s see what the service actually is.

What is Jazz Ecare?

Mobilink ecare or Jazz ecare is a groundbreaking online solution for its customers by Jazz. It is a one-of-a-kind achievement for the telecom sector in Pakistan. It is a kind of an online portal where customers can manage their information. By using this portal, the need to visit a Jazz Experience Center is minimized or eliminated. Customers can manage minor information and details by themselves. It helps them manage the following:

  1. Jazz Numbers
  2. Call Log
  3. Call Details
  4. Internet History
  5. SMS History
  6. Account Details
  7. Billing & Payment
  8. Balance Inquiry
  9. Remaining Balance/Data
  10. Recharge History

These are just some of the features of the portal. There is a lot more to explore when you sign up for the service.

To get more information about Jazz e care, visit their website.

Features of Jazz E Care

Below we have discussed different features found on the Jazz e care portal. Keep reading to find out what each feature does.

The following features are available on the Jazz ecare portal:

  1. Current Credit
  2. Current Status
  3. Call History
  4. SMS History
  5. Internet History

Let’s see what each feature offers.

  1. Current Credit

With the help of this feature, customers can manage their credit details. It provides information about the currently available credit.

  1. Current Status

To view the current status of their Jazz number, customers can use this option on their Mobilink ecare portal. It provides all information related to the packages they are using and the services they have activated.

  1. Call History

This option is one of the most used options in the Jazz e care portal. In this section, the customers can view all their incoming, outgoing, and missed calls. It also provides the time, date, and duration of all calls. With the help of this feature, customers can access their entire call history anywhere anytime.

  1. SMS History

With the help of the SMS history option, customers can access their entire SMS history. It allows them to check the received as well as sent messages. Moreover, the time, date, and contact number of the sender/recipient are also visible on the portal. So, customers can see the number of messages they have sent/received along with the details of their recipients/sender.

  1. Internet History

Another useful feature of the Jazz ecare portal is Internet History. This section of the portal helps the customers manage their internet history. It allows them to access and maintain their web browsing history. It also helps them manage downloads and uploads. So, the customers can keep a check on how much data they have used and how much is left.

How to Sign Up for Mobilink Ecare

Now that we know what Jazz e care is and what it offers, it’s time to sign up for an account.

The signup process is not difficult. It is easy and simple. You can follow the step-by-step procedure given below:

  1. Step 1 – Open the official website of Jazz Ecare.
  2. Step 2 – On the right side of the screen, there is a login section. Click on the Mobile Connect Log-in tab that is shown in purple color.
  1. Step 3 – When you click the Mobile Connect Log-in tab, a new screen will open. You will be required to put in your Jazz number. So, put in your mobile number and click Next.
  1. Step 4 After clicking Next, a new screen opens. There will be a notification saying “We’ve sent a message to your mobile” and “Reply with 1 to continue with your Registration”.
  2. Step 5 – You will receive a 4-digit code on your Jazz number provided in Step 3. At the same time, a pop-up window will also appear on your mobile screen. The window will ask “Your credentials may be shared with the Service Provider. Allow?” Below two options (1. Yes and 2. No) will be given.
  3. Step 6 – Enter 1 in the blank space and click on SEND.
  4. Step 7 – As soon as you click SEND, you will receive a “Thank you” notification on your mobile. On your computer/laptop, you will be redirected to the Mobilink e care or Jazz e care homepage.
  5. Step 8 – your sign up process is complete. You can now explore different options available on the portal.

Terms & Conditions for Mobilink E Care

The signup process is quite an easy one. However, customers should be aware that all services are subject to Terms and Conditions by Mobilink servers throughout Pakistan.

Make sure you read the Terms and Conditions section available on their website.

Some of the Terms and Conditions are given below:

  • The Mobilink Jazz number being used for sign up must be activated. It should also be verifiable in accordance to the PTA terms and conditions.
  • A 5% withholding tax is applicable on recharge/bill.
  • The default Internet usage charges are 2 rupees per MB + tax. Moreover, the charging pulse is 512KB.
  • Standard taxes will be applied to the remaining data/balance check.
  • Unethical/unwanted/threatening/bullying text messages can be reported to the PTA. Send the sender’s number to 9000.
  • Using unregistered SIMs is a crime according to Pakistan Telecommunication Authority.
  • For any queries or assistance regarding Jazz Ecare, dial Jazz helpline 111.

We hope that this article about Jazz Ecare new account sign up was helpful. Now, you can easily signup for your own account on Jazz e care and enjoy the services. If you have any queries or suggestions, leave a comment below.